As of 2016, Kyle Gann has published more than 3,500 articles in more than 40 publications. Some of the publications are minor, some of the articles ephemeral in value, and many of the latter will doubtless never see the light of day again. However, in an ongoing effort for research purposes we will catalogue here what articles we conveniently can, grouped by publication. The Village Voice articles are listed separately here.
Scholarly Writings (complete): Books:
The Music of Conlon Nancarrow (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995; ISBN 0 521 46534 6)
- Spanish translation by Carlos Sandoval: La musica de Conlon Nancarrow (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 2008)American Music in the Twentieth Century (New York: Schirmer Books, 1997; ISBN 0 02 864655 X)
Music Downtown: Articles from the Village Voice (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006; ISBN 0-520-22982-7)
No Such Thing as Silence: John Cage's 4'33" (Yale University Press, 2009)
- Italian translation by Melinda Mele: Il Silenzio Non Esiste: 4'33" di John Cage (Isbn Editioni, 2010)
- French translation by Jerome Orsoni: No Silence: 4'33" de John Cage (Editions Allia, 2014)Robert Ashley (University of Illinois Press, 2010)
Charles Ives's Concord: Essays After a Sonata (University of Illinois Press, 2017)
The Arithmetic of Listening: Tuning Theory and History for the Impractical Musician (University of Illinois Press, 2019)
As co-editor:
The Ashgate Companion to Minimalist and Postminimalist Music (Ashgate Press, 2013)Articles in Books:
"Intuition Versus Algorithm in Einstein on the Beach," in Einstein on the Beach: Opera beyond Drama (Ashgate Press, 2019)
"Earle Brown: A Less Cloistered Music," in Beyond Notation: The Music of Earle Brown (Univ. of Michigan Press, 2017)
"Julius Eastman and the Conception of Organic Music" in Gay Guerrilla: Julius Eastman and His Music (University of Rochester Press, 2015)
"Silence in the Rearview Mirror" in Cage 100 (Osrodek Miedzukulturowyc Inicjatyw Tworzcych Rodroza, 2015)
"A Technically Definable Stream of Postminimalism, Its Characteristics, and Its Meaning," in The Ashgate Companion to Minimalist and Postminimalist Music (Ashgate Press, 2013)
Foreword to Silence by John Cage (50th-anniversary edition) (Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 2011)
Foreword to Perfect Lives by Robert Ashley (Champaign: Dalkey Archive Press, 2011)
"Time at the End of the World: The Orchestral Tetralogy of John Luther Adams" (New England Press, 2011) upcoming
"Trimpin, Nancarrow, and the Transfer of Memory," in Trimpin: Contraptions for Art and Sound (Marquand Press, 2011)
"Magnificent - in a Mysterious Way: Varese's Impact on American Music," in Edgard Varse: Composer, Sound Sculptor, Visionary (Boydell Press, 2004)
"John Luther Adams: Music as a Geography of the Spiritual," Foreword to Winter Music: Composing the North by John Luther Adams (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2004, pp. xi-xix).
"The Outer Edge of Consonance: The Development of La Monte Young's Tuning Systems," in Sound and Light: La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela (Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 1996, pp. 152-190).
"Subversive Prophet: Henry Cowell as Theorist and Critic," in The Whole World of Music: A Henry Cowell Symposium, David Nicholls, ed., Harwood Academic Publishers, 1997.
"Conlon Nancarrow: Study No. 25 for Player Piano," in Settling New Scores: Music Manuscripts from the Paul Sacher Foundation, Felix Meyer, ed. (Mainz: Schott Musik International, 1998, pp. 171-173).
"Chapter 13: New Currents Coalesce: Since the Mid-1980s," in H. Wiley Hitchcock, Music in the United States (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2000, pp. 363-394).
Preface to Essential Cowell, Dick Higgins, ed. (Kingston, NY: McPherson & Company, 2001)
"No Escape from Heaven: John Cage as Father Figure," in David Nicholls, ed., A John Cage Companion, Cambridge University Press (forthcoming)
Percussive Notes Journal
The Percussion Music of John J. Becker - March 1984 (vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 26-41Perspectives of New Music
La Monte Young's The Well-Tuned Piano - Winter 1993 (Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 134-162)Contemporary Music Review
Downtown Beats for the 1990s (Analyses of music by Rhys Chatham, Mikel Rouse, Michael Gordon, Larry Polansky, Ben Neill), Summer 1993Open Space
Navigating the Infinite Web of Pitch Space (explanation of Gann's microtonal composing strategies), Issue 2, Spring 2000, pp. 67-77Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart
"American Music since 1980"The New Grove Dictionary of Music
Biographical entries on:
Robert Ashley
Eve Beglarian
Henry Brant
Wendy Mae Chambers
Nic Collins
Michael Gordon
Guy Klucevsek
David Lang
Meredith Monk
Conlon Nancarrow
Ben Neill
Mikel Rouse
David Soldier
Bernadette Speach
Lois V Vierk
Julia Wolfe
Evan Ziporyn1/1
A Whole Different Serving of Tapioca: Exploring Just Intonation Dissonance, Spring 2002, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 1, 4-7
Glimpses of a Musical Future in Ben Johnston's Fourth Quartet, Fall, 2007, Vol 12 No 3, pp. 23, 24, 31, 32MusikTexte
Ausgangspunkt fur einen neuen Weg (translation of a paper given at the 1998 meeting of the American Musicological Society)American Music
Book review: George Frederick Bristow by Katherine K. Preston. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2020; October 20, 2022
Book review: Theremin: Ether Music and Espionage by Albert Glinsky, American Music, Volume 21, No. 4, Winter 2003, pp. 519-521
The Longyear Lecture, American Music, Volume 26, Number 2, Summer 2008, pp. 140-155.
Reconstructing November [six-hour piano piece by Dennis Johnson], American Music, Volume 28, Number 4, Winter 2010, pp. 481-491.Journal of the Huygens-Fokker Society
Key Eccentricity in Ben Johnston's Suite for Microtonal Piano, Amsterdam, Fall 2009Twentieth-Century Music (Cambridge University)
Review of S. Andrew Granade, Harry Partch, Hobo Composer (University of Rochester Press, 2014) Volume 12 / Issue 02 / September 2015, pp 268 - 274Journalistic Articles: Articles Reprinted in Books:
Midtown Avant-Gardist, in Writings on Glass, Richard Kostelanetz, ed. (New York: Schirmer Books, 1997, pp. 265-270)Ancient Lullabies, in Meredith Monk, Deborah Jowitt, ed. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997, pp. 164-166)
Thankless Attempts at a Definition of Minimalism in Audio Culture: Readings in Modern Music, edited by Cristoph Cox and Daniel Warner (Continuum Books, 2004, pp. 299-303)
Periodicals and Encyclopedias listed below:
American Music
American Symphony Chamber Orchestra Program Notes (1997-present, unlisted)
American Symphony Orchestra Program Notes (unlisted)
American Theosophist
Art Forum
Artemisia [Gallery] Catalog
Arts Journal (blog, on separate web site)
ASCAP in Action
Chamber Music
Chicago Musicale
Chicago Sun-Times
Chicago Symphony Orchestra Program Notes
Chicago Tribune
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Program Notes
Contemporary Music Review
Galeries (Paris)
Guest Informant
Los Angeles Times
Musical America
Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart
New Art Examiner
The New Grove Dictionary of Music
New Music America '82 Catalogue
New Music Box
New York Newsday
New York Times
Open Space
Opera News
Percussive Notes Journal
Perspectives of New Music
Chicago Reader
Spoleto Catalogue
Stagebill (unlisted)
Video Review
Village Voice
World New Music Magazine
Liner notes for Commercial Recordings
New Music America '82 Catalogue
New Music in the Second City, June, 1982Musical America
Soundpieces: Interviews with American Composers (book review), March 1983Chicago Reader
Flashes and Stirrings (Katerina Wolpe playing Stefan Wolpe) - February 4, 1983, p. 36
Gestures (New Art Ensemble playing Burge, Sandroff, Lombardo, Davidovsky, Messiaen, Shapey) - March 11, 1983
Fanatical Structures (Chicago Symphony playing Stockhausen) - March 25, 1983, pp. 40, 47
Music Notes: in memory of a retrograde revolutionary (Cornelius Cardew) - April 29, 1983
Democratic Convention (New Music Chicago: Decker, Atovsky, Sturm, Musica Menta, Imig, Feller, Caldwell, Carl) - April 29, 1983, pp. 43-44
Bridging the Choral Chasm (Chicago Society of Composers: Ran, Lombardo, Eaton, Major) - May 13, 1983, p. 38
Untitled review (Chicago Symphony Orchestra: Berlioz, Stravinsky, Dvorak) - May 13, 1983
Attacking the Avant-Garde (Cornelius Cardew Memorial Concert) - May 27, 1983, pp.40,
High Energy (Chicago Soundings: Flynn, Corner, Carl, Wolff) - June 3, 1983
Untitled review (Concentus Musicus Chicago: Pachelbel, Telemann, Mozart) - June 3, 1983, pp. 34,
Creative Packaging (Chicago Symphony Orchestra: Sibelius, Vaughan Williams, Hanlon) - June 10, 1983
Rare Gems Set in Brass (Pitzen Brass Ensemble) - June 24, 1983
Summer Love Stories (Chicago Symphony Orchestra: Mozart, Wagner, Mahler, Ravel) - July 1, 1983
Baroque Handel (Chicago Symphony Orchestra: Handel) - July 15, 1983
Handmade in Poland (world premiere of Lutoslawski Symphony No. 3) - October 7, 1983
Primitive Man with Membranes and Metal (John Boudler, percussionist) - October 14, 1983
Saving the Art Song (soprano Martha Herr with pianist Anthony de Mare) - November 4, 1983
American Beauty (Civic Orchestra playing Ruggles, Arriaga, Debussy) - December 9, 1983, p. 39
Violating Wagner (Flying Dutchman at Chigago Lyric) - December 9, 1983
The Capriccio Series of New American Music (Tashjian, Schonthal, Diemer, Cowles, Pierce, Lomon, Spiegel) - December 9, 1983, pp. 42-43
A Vision in Pieces (Ben Johnston) - December 23, 1983, p. 39
Progress in Programming (1983 in review) - December 23, 1983, p. 22
The End of Chamber Music - February 3, 1984
The Sound of Outrage - February 17, 1984
Diamanda Galas's Homicidal Love Song - February 24, 1984
Medieval Delights - February 24, 1984
Polite Passion - March 2, 1984
Provocative Programming - March 16, 1984
Unknown Tongues (Elliott Carter Symphony for Three Orchestras) - March 23, 1984
Beethoven's Challenge (Maurizio Pollini) - March 30, 1984
Surprising Strings - April 6, 1984
Simple Pleasures - April 13, 1984
The Medium Is the Muscles - April 20, 1984
Tolstoy's Complaint - April 27, 1984
Solti's Schoenberg: An Evening of Great Art (Moses und Aron) - May 4, 1984
AMM's Continual Quest for Failure - May 25, 1984
The Height of the Opera (Thomson's The Mother of Us All at Chicago Opera Theater) - June 1, 1984
Best of Times, Worst of Times - June 15, 1984
Multimedia, Mixed Results - June 29, 1984
Untitled review of William Neil - June 29, 1984
Polished Surfaces - July 6, 1984
The Deity and the Devil - August 3, 1984
Untitled review of CRI SD 497 - August 10, 1984
Electric Shlock - August 17, 1984
Untitled review of Harold Budd, Cantil 384 - October 12, 1984
Chamber Potpourri - October 12, 1984
Untitled review of Stefan Wolpe recordings, Nonesuch 78024 and CRI 503 - October 19, 1984
Group Efforts" Artists Against Reagan - October 26, 1984
Radical Escapism - October 26, 1984
Art Facts: Bob, the hippest Middle Eastern beach bum on earth - November 2, 1984
Boulez Looking Backwards - November 2, 1984
Heavenly Voices - November 9, 1984
Hot Tips: William Harper Reinvents the Opera - November 23, 1984
Fall Collection - November 23, 1984
French Assortment - November 23, 1984
Music Notes: Two Artists Explore Alcatraz (Ingram Marshall) - November 30, 1984
Last Rites on Hubbard Street (the closing of Hubbard Street as an art center) - November 30, 1984
The Man in Solti's Shadow (CSO assistant conductor Henry Mazer) - December 14, 1984
From Mountains to Molehills (Year in review) - December 21, 1984
Untitled review of Frank Zappa, Angel DS-38170 - January 4, 1985
Two Ninths (Chicago Symphony playing Shostakovich) - January 18, 1985
Head of the Class - February 1, 1985
Music Notes: a three-day fest for Alban Berg - February 15, 1985
Composer of the Year (review of Berg festival) - March 1, 1985
Art Facts: Jack Smith's outrages-in-progress (interview) - March 8, 1985
Untitled review of John Adams recordings - March 8, 1985
Pieces of Chicago's Past - March 8, 1985
Music Notes: a vital slice of Chicago history - March 22, 1985
Reading: When Words Collide (review of an etymological dictionary) - March 22, 1985
Junior Achievers - March 29, 1985
Understanding Bruckner - April 5, 1985
Shticky Fingers (review of P.D.Q. Bach concert) - April 12, 1985
Music Notes: local composers expose themselves - April 19, 1985
The State of Atonality - April 19, 1985
Art Facts: Michael Peppe, antiperformance artist - April 26, 1985
Roads Less Traveled - April 26, 1985
Romanticism on a Roll - May 3, 1985
Music Notes: 12 strings tying east to west - May 10, 1985
Music Notes: The Crucible, a rare American opera - May 24, 1985
American Romanticism (Howard Hanson) - May 24, 1985
Untitled review of Alfred Brendel - May 24, 1985
Music Notes: opera's roots revisited (Peri's Orfeo) - June 14, 1985
Small Is Beautiful - June 14, 1985
No Offense - June 21, 1985
Untitled review of recordings by Ralph Shapey, Ben Johnston - July 12, 1985
Rapprochement at Ravinia - August 2, 1985
Untitled record review - August 9, 1985
Untitled record review - August 23, 1985
Music Notes: high-tech postmodern video opera - September 20, 1985
Untitled review of Philip Glass's Satyagraha on disc - September 20, 1985
In Search of that Medieval Sound (interview with Mary Springfels) - October 25, 1985
Seeing through Glass (review of the Philip Glass Ensemble) - November 1, 1985
Untitled review of Robert Ashley's Atalanta - November 1, 1985
E-Z Pieces - November 8, 1985
Music Notes: a radical voice from 1920s Chicago - November 15, 1985
Concert Notes: radical music for garbagemen and others (interview with Gerhard Stabler) - November 22, 1985
Imperfectly Clear - December 13, 1985
Classical Music: from Bach to the future - December 20, 1985
Ralph Shapey Doesn't Live Here Anymore (interview) - January 10, 1986
Pleasant Surprises - January 24, 1986
Untitled review of Contemporary Chamber Players - January 24, 1986
The Little Orchestra that Wouldn't - January 31, 1986
Our National Folk Opera - February 7, 1986
Concert Notes: the architect of serialism and his digital processor (interview with Pierre Boulez) - February 14, 1986
Heart Sounds - February 14, 1986
Gallery Tripping: music for metal, mallets, and violence (Z'ev) - February 28, 1986
Clang of the Century (Chicago premiere of Boulez' Repons) - February 28, 1986
Keyboard Classics - March 7, 1986
Opera for Smart People - March 21, 1986
Day of Atonement - March 28, 1986
Untitled review of recordings by Scott Johnson, Paul Dresher - March 28, 1986
Music Notes: David Tudor, a legend in his own time - April 4, 1986
Obscure Pleasures - April 4, 1986
Honored Guests: composer William Schuman at 75 (interview) - April 11, 1986
Music Notes: Gidon Kremer eludes fame - April 25, 1986
All Over Beethoven - April 25, 1986
Squat Theatre: obliterating the line between art and life - May 6, 1986
Untitled review of a recording of Milton Babbitt's piano music - May 23, 1986
Completely Baroque - May 30, 1986
Music Notes: William Harper's bizarre new opera - June 6, 1986
The Importance of Inferior Music - August 15, 1986
Golden Oldies - September 19, 1986
Untitled reviews of recordings by Oliveros and Lauten - September 26, 1986
The Sex Pistols of String Quartets - October 3, 1986
The Bauhaus Moment - October 17, 1986
Imaginary Wagner (Chicago Lyric Opera's Die Fliegende Hollander) - October 24, 1986
Music Notes: Peter Gena makes a scene - April 3, 1987
Lecture notes: Harold Budd, unclassifiable musician - April 10, 1987
La Monte Young: The Well-Tuned Piano / Terry Riley: The Harp of New Albion - July 17, 1987
Music Notes: Giancarlo Cardini, the Italian hellion - December 11, 1987
Music Notes: the Arditti Quartet, an underground legend - March 4, 1988
Music Notes: Nicolas Collins plays the radio - March 11, 1988
Music Notes: Neil Rolnick's checkered career - April 22, 1988
Music Notes: a pianist who gets her body into it (Margaret Leng Tan) - July 29, 1988
Music Notes: Guy Klucevsek plays polkas for weird people - March 24, 1989 (p. 7)
Music Notes: sampler in a sea of sounds (Henry Gwiazda) - February 8, 1991 (Vol. 20 No. 18, p. 6)
On Stage: mystical music (Elodie Lauten) - May 12, 1995Chicago Tribune
Shapey, Chamber Players Fill Mandel Hall with Color - April 30, 1984
Pleasantries in Grant Park (Hugh Wolff conducting Bernstein, Prokofiev, Vieuxtemps, Sarasate) - June 29, 1984 (Section 5, p. 18)
James Levine's thunderstorm delivers a hailed Berlioz 'Romeo' at Ravinia - July 17, 1984
'Russian Evening' precise, but staid (Michael Tilson Thomas conducting Glinka, Rachmaninoff, Stravinsky) - August 11, 1984 (Section 1, p. 13)
'The Merry Widow' shows its age in overacted revival (sounds like fun, no?) - September 8, 1984
Stoltzman excels as clarinetist, communicator (Richard Stoltzman playing Debussy, Messiaen, Berg, Poulenc) - September 26, 1984 (Section 2, p. 7)
Newberry group gives early Baroque its due - October 15, 1984
Baroque excels on Christmas score - December 20-21, 1984
Limited but welcome taste of 'Utopia' - December 31, 1984
Canadian Brass a bold mixture of music, humor - January 21, 1985 (Section 2, p. 6)
'Pearl Fishers' a jewel among opera productions (Chicago Opera Theater doing Bizet) - February 4, 1985 (Section 2, p. 7)
Ars Musica takes us back to Bach - February 11, 1985 (Section 1, p. 14)
Mullova's recital shows violinist has way to go (Viktoria Mullova playing Mozart, Brahms, Bartok, Paganini) - February 25, 1985 (Section 1, p. 14)
Mazer, CSO opt for romantic style (Mazer conducts Bruckner) - March 6, 1985 (Section 2, p. 7)
City's other orchestra comes through (Orchestra of Illinois playing Haydn, Ravel, Roussel) - March 25, 1985 (Section 2, p. 7)
Watts' technical control limits emotional message (Andre Watts playing Beethoven, Chopin) - May 2, 1985 (Section 2, p. 9)
Springfels' Magic finds its audience (Mary Springfels playing Fayrfax, Verdelot, Cornysh) - May 6, 1985 (Section 5, p. 4)
Flawed 'Crucible' still delivers its operatic message - May 27, 1985
Circular neon sculpture wins prize in State Street exhibit - June 5, 1985
Spirited tribute to Sousa opens Grant Park season (Keith Brion conducts Sousa, Grainger, Lehar) - June 24, 1985 (Section 2, p. 6)
Grant Park wind erodes sound of joyous concert (Grant Park Symphony playing Haydn, Brahms, Dvorak) - July 1, 1985 (Section 2, p. 6)
'The Gondoliers': Sometimes Light Opera Works, but this time it doesn't quite (Gilbert and Sullivan) - July 15, 1985 (Section 5, p. 3)
Fine conductor errs at Grant Park - August 9, 1985
Pianist inspires CSO, Thomas (Michael Tilson Thomas conducting Rimsky Korsakov, Rachmaninoff, Stravinsky with Misha Dichter) - August 10, 1985 (Section 1, p. 13)
Thomas guides CSO to a spirited, uplifting evening (Michael Tilson Thomas conducting Ives, Mahler) - August 17, 1985 (Section 1, p. 13)
Concert meshes best of both worlds (Lorin Maazel conducting Brahms, Weber, Hindemith) - October 31, 1985 (Section 2, p. 9)Video Review
Herbie Hancock Quintet: V.S.O.P. II (1983) - October, 1984Guest Informant
The Limelight Shines on Chicago - 1984-5
Classical Clout / Dramatic Distinction - 1985-6Artemisia [Gallery] Catalog
Looking at Men - March 1, 1985Galeries (Paris)
Peintures et sculptures americaines de 1968 a nos jours - July-August 1985New Art Examiner
Speakeasy (Reflections on the relation of the art scene to new music) - July, 1984
Collaborations: New Music/New Dance - January, 1985
Untitled review of Susan Bloch, Gail Simpson, Sandra Sugar - October 1985 (Vol. 13 No. 2, p. 59)
Untitled review of the Mirecourt Trio with the Friends of the Gamelan Performance Ensemble playing Lou Harrison - January 1986 (Vol. 13 No. 5, p. 67)Opera News
Untitled review of Chicago opera Theater's The Crucible - August 1985 (Vol. 50 No. 2, p. 45)Fanfare
Between November 1985 and February 1992, Gann wrote hundreds of record reviews for Fanfare magazine, too many to list here. They can be found in every issue from November/December 1985 (Volume 9, No. 2) to January/February 1992 (Volume 15, No. 3). However, over those years he did also write four longer, "front-of-the-magazine" articles:
Beginning a Contemporary Music Compact Disc Library, September/October 1987 (Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 94-102)
New Albion Records: The Voice of the West, September/October 1988 (Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 70-78)
Building Bridge Records (interview with David Starobin), January/February 1989 (Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 44-58)
The New Series: ECM Branches Out: An Interview with Manfred Eicher, September/October 1989 (Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 76-83)Soundings
The University, the Marketplace, and Compositional Technique - Volume 14-15 (1986), pp. 54-56Chicago Musicale
CSO for Survival - February, 1986
Loop Group and Momenta Energize at MoMing - April, 1986
David Tudor: Hedgehog - May, 1986New York Times
Tchaikovsky: The Years of Wandering, 1878-1885 (a review of a biography by David Brown) - June 15, 1986 (Book Review, p. 21)
The Compleat Violinist (a review of a book by Yehudi Menuhin) - July 20, 1986 (Book Review, pp. 18-19)
Amadeus: A Mozart Mosaic (a review of Herbert Kupferberg's book) - July 27, 1986 )Book Review, p. 19)
An American Music: The Search for an American Musical Identity (review of Barbara L. Tischler's book) - September 7, 1986 (Book Review, p. 23)
Felix Mendelssohn: A Life in Letters (review of Mendelssohn's letters) - December 21, 1986 (Book Review, p. 15)
'The Jailyard School' (review of Judith Kogan's Nothing but the Best, a book about Juilliard) - October 4, 1987 (Book Review, p. 31)
Kronos's New Order, a Quarter-Century Old (Kronos Quartet's boxed Nonesuch set) - November 15, 1998 Arts & Leisure, pp. 15, 28
An Opera Lures a Futurist Back to the Present (Todd Machover) - April 18, 1999 (Arts & Leisure, pp. 29, 32)
A Symphonist Stakes Her Claim (Gloria Coates) - April 25, 1999 (Arts & Leisure, p. 34)
It's Sound, It's Art, and Some Call It Music (The Whitney Museum's "I Am Sitting in a Room" exhibition) - January 9, 2000 (Arts & Leisure, pp. 41-42)
That Grumpy Old Pianist Is Ives (CRI disc of Charles Ives playing and singing his own music) - February 20, 2000 (Arts & Leisure, pp. 34, 38)
On Life's List of Things to Do: Opera (Elliott Carter's opera What Next?) - March 7, 2000 (The Arts, p. E5)
Making Bowls Sing and Elephants Talk (Raphael Mostel's Babar opera) - June 11, 2000 (Arts & Leisure, pp. 27-28)
Electronic Music, Always Current (a concise history of electronic music) - July 9, 2000 (Arts & Leisure, pp. 21, 24)
Where Minimal and Maximal Meet (Morton Feldman's String Quartet II) - February 17, 2002 (Arts & Leisure, p. 36)
An Opera That's a Talk Show That's a Philosophy (Mikel Rouse's Dennis Cleveland) - April 28, 2002 (Arts & Leisure, p. 29)
Melding Rock and High Art with the Help of a Hundred Guitars (Rhys Chatham) - June 22, 2003 (Arts & Leisure, pp. 23, 32)Chicago Sun-Times
Jan Fleming uses her brain (performance artist Jan Kapra Fleming) - October 24, 1986 (WeekendPlus p. 57)
Fauvel promises rowdy good time (Mary Springfels performs the Roman de Fauvel) - October 31, 1986 (WeekendPlus p. 45)
Chicago Ensemble marks 10th year - October 31, 1986 (WeekendPlus p. ??)
Artist finds unusual music in usual words (Scott Johnson) - November 21, 1986 (WeekendPlus, p. 20)
Artists sketch cryptic work (Robert Metrick, Marciana Biasiello) - December 12, 1986 (WeekendPlus p. 96)
The City Musick gives 'Messiah' authentic sound - December 19, 1986 (WeekendPlus p. 58)
Concerts at Kennedy-King hail black women composers (Florence Price, Margaret Bonds, Undine Smith Moore) - February 6, 1987 (WeekendPlus pp. 13, 15)
'Notes' sparkles as Glass portrait (a film about Philip Glass) - February 20, 1987 (WeekendPlus p. 22)
Nygro, Harwood Ensemble will put on airs in Evanston (the Harwood Ensemble plays 17th-century music) - February 27, 1987 (WeekendPlus p. 9)
Computers put music within reach of everybody (David Behrman) - April 10, 1987 (WeekendPlus p. 69)
The strange, thorny strains of AMM return to Chicago - April 24, 1987 (WeekendPlus p. 14)Chicago Symphony Orchestra Program Notes
Mahler: Symphony No. 9 - May 13-15, 1987
Stravinsky: Symphonies of Wind Instruments; Boulez: Notations; Bartok: The Wooden Prince - October 22-25, 1987
Debussy: Jeux; Boulez: Livre pour cordes; Schoenberg: Pelleas und Melisande - October 29-31, 1987The American Theosophist
Music and Spirituality from Scriabin to Cage - November 1987 (Vol. 75, No. 10, pp. 378-388)Dialogue
New Music: Paul Sturm: Long Distance - September/October 1987 (Vol. 10 No. 5, pp. 7-8)
New Music: Computer Music in the Cornfields - November/December 1987 (Vol. 10 No. 6, pp. 9-10)
New Music: Salvatore Martirano and the Midwest Avnt-Garde - January/February 1988 (Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 7-8)
New Music: The Arditti String Quartet - May/June 1988 (Vol. 11 No. 3, p. 13)
New Music: John Cage in Chicago - July/August 1988 (Vol. 11 No. 4, p. 9)
New Music: The 80s: Postminimalism and the Plato/Aristotle Fight - September/October 1988 (Vol. 11 No. 5, pp. 9-10)ASCAP in Action
The Cage Legacy: So Much to Listen To (obituary for John Cage) - Winter 1992, pp. 44-45AtlAntica
David First o la inflexion del zumbido - Spring 1996, Number 13, pp. 91-94Spoleto Catalogue
Life After the Modern Era - Spoleto Festival U.S.A. 1996, pp. 32-35Chamber Music
Fiddles, Garage Bands, and Record Players: Locating an American Chamber Music Tradition - August 1998 (Vol. 15 No. 4, pp. 22-27, 35, 38)
The String Quartet Ain't Over 'Til the Drummer Solos (innovative young string quartets) - February 1999 (Vol. 16 No. 1, pp. 32-36, 64-70)
American Composer: Janice Giteck - December 1999 (Vol 16 No. 6, pp. 24-25)
Techno-Driven Chamber Music: Is It Driving Musicians Out? - February 2000 (Vol 17 Number 1, pp. 48-51, 67)
American Composer: George Tsontakis - April 2000 (Vol 17 No. 2, pp. 39-40)
American Composer: Arthur Jarvinen - June 2000 (Vol 17 No. 3, pp. 39-40)
American Composer: Elodie Lauten - August 2000 (Vol 17 No. 4, pp. 25-6)
American Composer: Judith Sainte Croix - December 2000 (Vol 17 No. 6, pp. 50-51)
American Composer: Beth Anderson - February 2001 (Vol 18 No. 1, pp. 46-7)
American Composer: Bernadette Speach - April 2001 (Vol 18 No. 2, pp. 46-7)
American Composer: William Duckworth - June 2001 (Vol 18 No. 3, pp. 20-21)
American Composer: Carolyn Yarnell - August 2001 (Vol 18 No. 4, pp. 56-7)
American Composer: Joan Tower - December 2001 (Vol 18 No. 6, pp. 28-9)
American Composer: John Luther Adams - February 2002 (Vol 19 No. 1, pp. 46-7)
American Composer: Elizabeth Brown - April 2002 (Vol 19 No. 2, pp. 18-19)
American Composer: Belinda Reynolds - June 2002 (Vol 19 No. 3, pp. 24-25)
American Composer: Jonathan Kramer - August 2002 (Vol 19 No. 4)
Chamber Music Changing Music - October 2002 (Vol 19 No. 5, pp. 86-90)
American Composer: Peter Schickele - October 2002 (Vol 19 No. 5)
American Composer: Gloria Coates February 2003 (Vol 20 No. 1, pp. 22-23)
American Composer: Mary Ellen Childs April 2003 (Vol 20 No. 2, pp. 14-15)
American Composer: Jerome Kitzke June 2003 (Vol 20 No. 3)
American Composer: Rain Worthington - August 2003 (Vol 20 No. 4, pp. 18-19)
American Composer: Judith Lang Zaimont - December 2003 (Vol 20 No. 6)
American Composer: Dan Becker - February 2004 (Vol 21 No. 1)
American Composer: Robert Carl - April 2004 (Vol 21 No. 2)
American Composer: Eve Beglarian - June 2004 (Vol 21 No. 3)
American Composer: Nancy Van de Vate - October, 2004 (Vol 21 No. 4)
American Composer: Paul Epstein - December, 2004 (Vol 21 No. 6, pp. 20-21)
American Composer: Erin Watson - January, 2005 (Vol 21 No. 1, pp. 20-21)
American Composer: Beata Moon - April, 2005 (Vol 22 No. 2)
American Composer: Jan Swafford - June, 2005 (Vol 22 No. 3)
Music Theory - August, 2005 (Vol 22 No. 4)
American Composer: Peter Garland - October, 2005 (Vol 22 No. 5)
American Composer: Lawrence Dillon - February, 2006 (Vol 23 No. 1, pp. 24-25)
American Composer: Melissa Hui - April, 2006 (Vol 23 No. 2, pp. 20-21)
American Composer: Barbara Benary - June, 2006 (Vol 23 No. 3, pp. 22-23
American Composer: Ben Johnston - August, 2006 (Vol 23 No. 4, pp. 20-21)
Electronics: Not Just for Composers Anymore - October, 2006 (Vol 23 No. 5, pp. 130-133)
American Composer: Jim Fox - December, 2006 (Vol 23 No. 6, pp. 38-39)
American Composer: Linda Catlin Smith - February, 2007 (Vol 24 No. 1)
American Composer: Carman Moore - April, 2007 (Vol 24 No. 2, pp. 22-23)
American Composer: Nick Didkovsky - June, 2007 (Vol 24 No. 3, pp. 20-21)
American Composer: Andrea LaRose - October, 2007 (Vol 24 No. 5)
American Composer: Scott Wheeler - December, 2007 (Vol 24 No. 6, pp. 34-35)
American Composer: Wayne Siegel - February, 2008 (Vol 25 No. 1, pp. 24-25)
American Composer: Caroline Mallonee - April, 2008 (Vol 25 No. 2, pp. 20-21)
American Composer: Alex Shapiro - June, 2008 (Vol 25 No. 3)
American Composer: Alvin Singleton - August, 2008 (Vol 25 No. 4, pp. 20-21)
American Composer: Larry Polansky - November, 2008 (Vol 25 No. 5)
American Composer: Julius Eastman - January/February 2009 (Vol 26 No. 1), p. 28-9
American Composer: John Halle - March/April, 2009 (Vol 26 No 2), pp. 20-21
American Composer: Meredith Monk - May/June, 2009 (Vol 26 No 3)
American Composer: Julia Wolfe - July/August, 2009 (Vol 26 No 4)
Postclassical America: A Theory of Musical Relativity - September/October, 2009 (Vol 26 No 5, pp. 84-87)
American Composer: John Kennedy - November/December, 2009 (Vol 26 No 6, pp. 14-15)
American Composer: Judd Greenstein - January/February, 2010 (Vol 27 No 1, pp. 16-17)
American Composer: Nils Vigeland - March/April, 2010 (Vol 26 No 2)
American Composer: Ingram Marshall - May/June, 2010 (Vol 26 No 3)Pulse
New Choral Returns to Favor (choral music by Part, Leach, Lentz) - December 1998 (Number 177, p. 131)
One Becomes Two (Schalk edition of the Bruckner Fifth Symphony) - February, 1999 (Number 178, pp. 30-31)
Hyperion's Commitment to Franz Liszt (Leslie Howard's complete Liszt piano cycle) - April 1999 (Number 180, p. 57)
The Feminine Musique (Gloria Coates' Symphonies on disc) - June 1999 (Number 182, pp. 57-58)
Pierre Boulez perfects his musical language, but does he have something to say? (Boulez's Repons at last on disc) - August 1999 (Number 184, pp. 67-68)
Johann Nepomuk Hummel: Ruler of the unknown composers - September 1999 (Number 185, p. 78)
Busoni's Big Bach Bang (Busoni's Fantasia Contrappuntistica, Reger's Beethoven Variations on ECM) - November 1999 (Number 187, p. 75)
John Adams: Friendly or Not (Adams' ten-CD set on Nonesuch) - March 2000 (Number 190, pp. 34-37)
Roy Harris: American Symphonist - March 2000 (Number 190, pp. 37-38)
The Copland Centenary - November 2000 (Number 198, pp. 47, 49)
My Favorite Warhorse (Holst's Planets) - December 2000 (Number 199, p. 115)
Classical 101: Just Intonation (Partch, Young, Riley, Harrison on disc) - April 2001 (Number 202, p. 77)Theater Magazine
Music-Theater Lite for a Dark Age (current state of new-music theater), Volume 30, Number 2, pp. 24-33Art Forum
Sound and the Fury (on the writings of Morton Feldman), February 2001 (Vol. XXXIX No. 6, p. 51)New Music Box
Between U. S. (A hyperhistory of microtonal music) September, 2000
Minimal Music, Maximal Impact (A hyperhistory of minimalist music and its offshoots - November, 2001
Back to Nature: Tracing the History of an American Classical Tradition - April, 2002
Making Marx in the Music (A hyperhistory of political music) November, 2003
From Folk Song to the Outer Limits of Harmony: Remembering Ben Johnston (1926-2019), August 2, 2019New York Newsday
Rescuing Classical Music - October 19, 2003 (p. A32)Symphony
"Conservative" Praise: Saving Charles Ives' symphonies from his fans - May-June 2004 (Volume 55, No. 3, pp. 13-17)
Review of Composer Biographies by Daniel Felsenfeld - January-February 2006 (Volume 57 No. 1)
The Bilingualist (Mason Bates) - March-April 2006 (Volume 57 No. 2, pp. 21-24)
William Schuman and the Absurd Profession - May/June 2009 (Volume 60 No. 3), pp. 43-45.Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Program Notes
2004-2005 Season: John Adams, Lollapalooza; Bartok, Violin Concerto No. 1 (Op. posth.); Corigliano, Elegy; Dutilleux, Timbres, espace, mouvement; Dvorak, Cello Concerto No. 1 in A; Haydn, Mass in Time of War; Higdon, Fanfare Ritmico; Krieger, Passacaglia for a New Millennium; Liszt, The Lugubrious Gondola (arr. J. Adams); Martinu, Symphony No. 2; Mendelssohn, Piano Concerto No. 1; Mozart, Ballet music from Idomeneo; Mozart, Piano Concerto No. 27 K. 595; Nielsen, Symphony No. 3, "Sinfonia Espansiva"; Nielsen, Overture to Maskerade; Prt, Symphony No. 2; Picker, Old and Lost Rivers; Puts, Network; Saint-Sans, Cello Concerto No. 1 in A minor; Sallinen, Symphony No. 8; Salonen, Gambit; Shostakovich, Piano Concerto No. 1; Sibelius, Kullervo; Skrowaczewski, Music at Night; Stenhammar, Snge; Tchaikovsky, The Nutcracker; Tr, Aditus; Vaughan Williams, Dona nobis pacem
2005-2006 Season: Ades: ...but all shall be well; Antheil: Symphony No. 4, "1942"; Beethoven: Ah! Perfido; Bernstein: Prelude, Fugue, and Riffs; Brahms: Alto Rhapsody; Brahms: Liebeslieder Waltzes; Chen Yi: Momentum; Connesson: Une lueur dans l'age sombre; Grieg: Peer Gynt Suites 1 and 2; Hersch: Ashes of Memory; Honegger: Symphony No. 2; Kernis: Musica celestis; Kodaly: Concerto for Orchestra; Mahler: Des Knaben Wunderhorn; Mendelssohn: Violin Concertoin D Minor (posth.); Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition; Nielsen: Symphony No. 6; Piazzolla: Contemplacion y Danza; Steven Reinecke: Festival Te Deum; Takemitsu: Fantasma-Cantos; Tr: Insulata deserta; Walton: Cello Concerto; John Williams: Soundings
2006-2007 Season: Barber: Music for a Scene from Shelley; Berg: Seven Early Songs; Bernstein: Slava!; Britten: Cantata Academica; Britten: Violin Concerto No. 1, Op. 15; Durufl: Three Dances; Dvorak: Symphony No. 4; Harbison: Double Bass Concerto; Paulus: Concertante; Penderecki: Symphony No. 2; Persichetti: Symphony No. 4; Prokofiev: Russian Overture, Op. 72; Christopher Rouse: Der gerettete Alberich; Schnittke: Mo-Art a la Haydn; Schubert: Mass No. 2 in G, D. 167; Scriabin: Symphony No. 2; Shostakovich: Symphony No. 11; Sibelius: The Bard, Op. 64; Sibelius: Night Ride and Sunrise, Op. 55; Tchaikovsky: Voyevoda; Tubin: Symphony No. 11; Tr: Zeitraum; Vaughan Williams: Five Mystical Songs; Verdi: Overture to I vespri sicilianiLos Angeles Times
A bold force in foursomes (Ethel) - February 20, 2005World New Music Magazine
The Uneasy, Unarticulated State of American Music - Vol. 23, 2013, pp. 35-40Liner Notes for Recordings:
Robert Davidovici, violin (works by Aitken, Copland, Piston, Schoenfield, Sculler), New World NW 334-2, 1987
George Perle: Wind Quintets, New World NW 359, 1988
Milton Babbitt: The Joy of More Sextets / Sextets, New World NW 364, 1988
Charles Ives: Concord Sonata / Maurice Wright: Sonata, New World NW 378-2, 1989
William Duckworth: Time Curve Preludes, Lovely Music CD 2031, 1990
Roger Reynolds: Whispers Out of Time / Transfigured Wind II, New World 80401-2, 1990
Laurie Spiegel: Unseen Worlds, Scarlet Records Infinity Series IS 88802-2, 1991
Dominick Argento: From the Diary of Virginia Wolff / The Andree Expedition, Centaur CRC 2092, 1992
Raphael Mostel: Blood on the Moon, Digital Fossils 10009-2, 1992
Michael Gordon: Big Noise from Nicaragua, CRI CD 636, 1992
Ben Johnston: Ponder Nothing New World 80432-2, 1993
William Duckworth: Southern Harmony, Lovely Music CD 2033, 1994
Karlheinz Stockhausen: Klavierstuck I-VIII & XI, David Tudor, pianist, Hat Art CD 6142, 1994
Lois Svard: With and Without Memory (piano works by William Duckworth, Robert Ashley, "Blue" Gene Tyranny), Lovely Music CD 3051, 1994
Takashi Kako: Norwegian Wood, Epic/Sony ESCK 8031, 1994
Morton Feldman: Ensemble Recherche (Routine Investigations, The Viola in My Life II, For Frank O'Hara, The Viola in My Life I, I Met Heine on the Rue Fuerstenberg), Disques Montaigne MO 782018, 1994
Robert Carl: Works for Piano, Centaur CRC 2257, 1995
Mikel Rouse: Dennis Cleveland, New World 80506-2, 1996
Elodie Lauten: Tronik Involutions, O.O. Discs
Art Jarvinen: Edible Black Ink, O.O. Discs OO28, 1996
Henry Gwiazda: noTnoTesnoTrhyThms, Innova 505, 1996
Tom Hamilton: Off-Hour Wait State, O.O. Discs 0026
Eve Beglarian: Overstepping, O.O. Discs OO33
Ten Years of Essential Music (works by Beyer, Ashley, Peter Garland, John Kennedy, Charles Wood, Goldstein, Wolff, Gann), Monroe Street msm 60101, 1997
Guy Klucevsek: Transylvanian Software, Starkland ST-207, 1999
Jerome Kitzke: The Character of American Sunlight Koch International Classics 3-7456-2 H1, 1999
The Alternative Schubertiade (glosses on Schubert by Nick Didkovsky, Annie Gosfield, Phil Kline, Kitty Brazelton, David First, and others), CRI CD 809, 1999
Harold Budd / Richard Maxfield: The Oak of the Golden Dreams, New World Records 80555-2, 1999
Twisted Tutu: Play Nice O.O. Discs OO66
Petr Kotik: Many Many Women Dog W/A Bone 03, 2000
Beata Moon: Perigee and Apogee, Albany Troy426, 2000
Larry Polansky: Lonesome Road (The Crawford Variations), New World Records 80566-2, 2001
Gloria Coates: String Quartets 1, 5, 6, Naxos 8.559091, 2002
Gloria Coates: "Indian Sounds" (Symphony No. 8), New World 80599-2
Tim Brady: Unison Rituals, Actuelle AM 110, 2003
Robert Carl: Roundabout Innova 596, 2003
Dane Rudhyar: Works for Piano, hat[now] ART140, 2004
Gloria Coates: String Quartets 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, Naxos, 2004
Gloria Coates: Symphonies 1, 7, 14 Naxos, 2006
Robert Carl: Music for Strings, New World 80654-2, 2006
Barbara Benary: Sun on Snow, New World 80646-2, 2006
Gloria Coates: Symphony No. 15, Cantata da Requiem, Transitions, Naxos 8.559371, 2007
Robert Carl: The Geography of Loss, New World 80780-2, 2016
Ben Johnston: String Quartets 6, 7, 8, New World 80730, 2016
Peter Thoegersen: Milko, New World, 2019
Charles Amirkhanian: Loudspeakers, New World 80817-2, 2019
John J. Becker: Soundpieces 1-7, New World 80816-2, 2020
Go to Voice columns 1986 to 2005.