Arranged by Kyle Gann from historical sources
I am no chief.
I am a man. I see. I know.
I began to see when I was not yet born; when I was not in my mother's arms, but inside of my mother's belly.
It was there that I began to study about my people.
God gave me the power to see out of the womb.
The [Great Spirit] must have told me at that time that I would be the man to be the judge of all the other Indians - a big man, to decide for them in all their ways.
I speak. It is enough.
I never taught my people to trust Americans.
I have told them the truth - that the Americans are great liars.
I have never dealt with the Americans. Why should I?
The land belonged to my people.
[New York Herald, November 16, 1877]
Of course I will speak to you if you desire me to do so.
I suppose it is only such men as you desire to speak who must say something.
Do you recognize me?
Any man who desires to speak... shall talk for [the Indians].
Do you know who I am...?
...Sitting Bull.
[But] do you know who I am?
Slightly recumbent gentleman cow.
[But] do you know who I am?
I do not know any difference between you and the other Indians at this agency.
I am here by the will of the Great Spirit, and by his will I am a chief.
My heart is red and sweet, and I know it is sweet, because whatever passes near me puts out its tongue to me.
[Senate Committee, Standing Rock Agency, August, 1883]
If a man is a chief, and has authority, he should be proud, and consider himself a great man.
[Stanley Vestal, Sitting Bull]
And yet you men have come here to talk with us, and you do not know who I am.
If the Great Spirit has chosen any one to be the chief of this country it is myself.
You have conducted yourself like men who have been drinking whiskey, and I came here to give you some advice.
I have always been a chief, and have been made chief of all the land.
Thirty-two years ago I was present at the [Fort Rice] council with the white man....
Since then a great many questions have been asked me about it, and I always said, Wait.
Then the Black Hills council was held, and they asked me to give up that land, and I said... wait.
I remember well all the promises that were made about that land....
You white men advise us to follow your ways, and therefore I talk as I do.
When you have a piece of land, and anything trespasses on it, you catch and keep it until you get damages, and I am doing the same thing now.
And I want you to tell this to the Great Father for me.
I am looking into the future for the benefit of my children, and... I want my country taken care of for me.
[to the Senate Committee, Standing Rock Agency, August, 1883]
My father has given me this nation,
In protecting them I have a hard time.
No chance for me to live, Mother,
You might as well mourn.
[songs, recorded in Stanley Vestal, Sitting Bull]
Indians! There are no Indians left but me.
[when asked how the Indians felt about having sold the Black Hills, recorded in Stanley Vestal, Sitting Bull]
Text copyright 1998 by Kyle Gann
See the tuning for Sitting Bull: "Do You Know Who I Am?"
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