Kyle Gann: Time Does not Exist
As Sigmund Freud said, "In the unconscious, time does not exist." The idea is instantiated here on several levels: in passages that don't seem to move forward, in ideas that keep recurring without new development, in forward-motion passages that evaporate without effect, all metaphors for consciousness beneath the surface. The piece is dedicated to Joesph Bakst Zahm (1944-99) in memoriam.
Duration: 14 minutes
Selected performances:
World premiere: pianist Sarah Cahill, November 16, 2000 in Olin Hall at Bard College
Pianist Lois Svard, May 17, 2002, at Faust Harrison Pianos, NYC
Pianist Emily Manzo, November 23, 2003, at the Storm King Music Festival, Museum of the Hudson Highlands, Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York- Kyle Gann
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